Blues in E Flat
Red Norvo and his Swing Octet
1935 recording
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This recording was made in New York City by “Red Norvo’s Swing Octet” on Janurary 25, 1935 with the following personnel: Red Norvo, xylophone, and leader; Bunny Berigan, trumpet; Jack Jenny, trombone; Johnny Mince, clarinet; Chu Berry, tenor sax; Teddy Wilson, piano; George Van Eps, guitar; Artie Bernstein, string bass; and Gene Krupa, drums.
*Red Norvo, born Kenneth Norville on March 31, 1908, was among the musicians responsible for the establishment of the xylophone, marimba, and later the vibraphone as a Jazz instrument. He was also married to for a time to Mildred Bailey with whom his band made a number of hit records.
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